Pet Puppy Hatching

The ‘egg’ bred by Puppy are called Puppy Gacha.

This game has hatching mode, every two crypto Puppy of the opposite sex can be combined into a synthetic Puppy Gacha. The NFT Puppy Gacha can be incubated by two Puppies of the opposite sex and the same level, and it has the probability to incubate a high-level puppy or a normal-level crypto puppy. If the breeding fails, then a first-level Puppy Gacha will be produced, and only crypto Puppy with the same ownership and in a free state can breed.

50% of the breeding cost will be directly transferred to the farm and the battlefield mining pool as an additional mining rewards, of which 30% enter the farm and 70% enter the battlefield. After breeding, the puppies enter a cooling down period and can breed again after 24 hours. During this period, it is not allowed to enter the farm or battlefield for mining.

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