Puppy Battlefield

Players put pets on the battlefield to fight, distribute reward based on the honor obtained: the higher the honor points, the more the mining profits.

  • Initial reward: 1.6 PUP/block with a total supply of 14 million.

  • Additional reward:50% of the breeding cost will be directly transferred to the farm and the battlefield mining pool as an additional mining rewards, of which 70% enter the battlefield. The newly recharged rewards will increase the total amount of rewards for each block of the battlefield and the total time of distribution.

Honor is an inherent attribute of pets, and the initial Honor is 100. On the Battlefield, puppies get honor rewards by fighting. The Puppy cannot enter the farm and the battlefield at the same time.

General rules

  1. When Puppy Pet has filled its Energy on the farm, it can be transferred to battlefield to fight after paying a transfer fee in ABEY.

  2. Puppy can either stay in the battlefield or be sold in the marketplace; however, if Puppy need to return to NFT farming, they need to pay a transfer fee to go back to the farm.

  3. The Puppy initiates a challenge in the battlefield need to spend 100 Energy points to challenge other Puppy, and it takes 1 hour to recover 100 Energy points in the farm.

  4. Puppy that is in the battlefield can use equipment to equip Puppy; but when Puppy needs to transfer to farm or marketplace for sale, need to remove all equipment (to be developed in next phase).

Battlefield reward

  1. The reward method of the battlefield is the same as that of the farm. It also depends on the Puppy being pledged on the battlefield, and rewards are produced through each block. Rewards are distributed to Puppy pledged on the battlefield.

  2. Players can challenge other Puppy in the battlefield. The Challenger Puppy will get deducted its energy but add its honor. If the challenge fails, no honor will be deducted for challenger puppy. Defensive Puppy will not get deducted its energy, but honor will be deducted if it loses the challenge.

  3. The total reward pool of the battlefield, the return ratio of shop revenue, and the number of rewards per block are all higher than that in the farm.

Battle Instructions

  1. The basic algorithm is a three-round block calculation, in each round, the Puppy attacks the opponent once. After the three rounds, the player with the highest Life point wins, or if one Puppy’s Life point is 0 in any of the three rounds, it loses.

  2. Combat power algorithm: Combat power=10attack+1life+5defence+4energy

  3. Comparison of attributes: Gold > Wood > Earth > Water > Fire > Gold. When the attribute is superior, the attack power and defense power will rise by 20%, and when the attribute is inferior, the attack power and defense power will remain the same.

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